Helpful Sites for Career Counsellors and Clients
Promoting a Career Development Culture

Helpful Sites for Work Seekers and Career Development Practitioners

Try the Scootle Portal

The Learning Federation has developed a new, robust search interface (Scootle) which allows users to search, view and sequence digital content

You will be able to:

Scootle has the capability to accommodate one million concurrent users. It will allow you to quickly and efficiently locate resources.

Go to the Scootle Professional Association Trial Account and register. To register for the first time go to Once you have registered you will receive an email. Within the body of the email message received you will need to click on the url to the Scootle portal to active your account. Go to: in future for access.

You can find many Career Development Learning Resources for student to use in Schools. Type Careers or Career Development in the Search option

You Tube and Teacher Tube is also a useful sight for Career Development Videos

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